Friday, April 20, 2012

Sweet, Sweet Vengence.

So remember a few weeks ago I reviewed Michelle Madow's Remembrance? Well, Michelle was kind enough to email me a PDF version of the second book in the Transcend Time Saga, Vengence.

So remember how much I hated the character of Lizzie? How I described her as a boyfriend stealing brat? Well, this book is thankfully NOT from her point of view.

What I discovered is Michelle Madow is actually a fantastic writer. While in Remembrance I was often annoyed, In Vengence, I was absolutely not. I think I was more frustrated with the character of Lizzie than the actual style of the book.

Let me just say...I like Chelsea MUCH better. Now, so you can keep up, Chelsea is...WAS... Lizzie's best friend. Put 2 and 2 together yet? That's right. Chelsea is the friend Lizzie stole Drew from.
Vengence is written from Chelsea's perspective and I like how Michelle completely changed the way she wrote this book from self-centered-brat to angry-betrayed-friend. It is very telling of how good an author is if they can do this. Think of how in Breaking Dawn Stephanie Meyer was able to change the feelings you got from Bella's perspective and Jacob's perspective of the same event. It's not easy. As a writer, I can attest to this.

ANYWAY I'm getting off track.
Chelsea finds a way to turn things back in her favor. Let's just say there's a sort of spell involved and then it ends in a crazy cliff hanger. It was one of those things where you read the last line and then you are torn between wanting to punch the author in the face, or hug them. I am so JAZZED to read the third and final installment in the series...when it comes out. I will have to wait. Patiently. Patience is not my thing.

I would give this book 5/5 stars.
I'm assuming the third book will, once again, revolve around Lizzie. But it will be more tolerable. I know this is bad, but I tend to root for the 'bad guy'. And I will continue to hope that Chelsea gets Drew.

Sorry, but it's the truth.

HAPPY READING EVERYONE! Please support Michelle if this book sounds like something you're interested in. Don't forget that you can buy both Remembrance and Vengence for $0.99 on the Kindle until Michelle's US tour ends.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quick Kitty Update!

Hi guys! Okay so remember a couple of posts ago I wrote about my anatomy cat Mr. Mittens? Well. His name has been changed.
In my mind it happened like this:
I was dillegently working away at my cat's thigh when suddenly, it hit me. In a spark of mad genius, I removed my oh-so-cool darkly tinted sunglasses and made eye contact with both of my lab partners at once because I'm that cool and uttered the word....Katniss......Then our cat sprang to life and danced the tango whilst my partners hoisted me onto their shoulders and our entire class burst into a dubstep rendition of "We are the champions." At that precise moment Johnny Depp burst in the room and declared his undying love for me and asked me to prom and I denied because I'm too cool for Johnny Depp.

In reality it happened like this:
I had just finished wrapping the removed integument around our cat so he doesn't dry out or become moldy. I was lowering him into the first of 3 plastic bags when I said, "Why didn't we name the cat Katniss? Like the Hunger Games?" and my partners said, "That's a good idea." And then I remembered our cat was a boy but by then it was too late because I had scribbled out Mr. Mittens and was writing Katniss in sharpie on our bag. Why didn't I spell it Catniss? I don't know. Good question.

So anyway that's my story. Mr. Mittens is now Katniss Evermeow. I made up the last name just now.
I'm that cool.

That's really all I have to say for today. Right now I'm reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter. It's really good so far. :)

Have a grand day!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lemon Cake? Sad? Bah.

I must quickly review an amazing book I read last week for spring break. It's the kind of book you always keep with you.

The book is called The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. It is so poetic. I know, using the word poetic to describe a book is slightly pretentious. But I assure you it is true. It was beautiful and awesome.

It starts with an 8 year old girl named Rose whom, on her 9th birthday, discovers that she can taste feelings in food. That is, when she's eating food, she can taste the emotions of whoever made the food. It's difficult to describe, but long story short it's amazing. From the first page it drew me in and I fell in love. I would recommend this book a thousand times over. Take my word for it and read it.

I'm sorry this review sucks. I'm really tired. It was my first day back at school from spring break and quite honestly, it's a miracle that I'm still awake.

Please read this book. It will bring you wonder and happiness and joy.

There. I've said it all in 13 words. Now do it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Marriage, Dance Moms, and Thank You's


Sorry I haven't written every day, I've been too busy partying hard during spring break. JK. I've been hanging out with my mom and playing Harvest Moon like my life depends on it.

But today something exciting happened! I went to the library and got my OWN library card! This is a huge milestone in the lives of nerds everywhere. I got it mainly because my local library has ebooks that you can 'check out' and then after 21 days they magically disappear off of your kindle and are 'returned' to the library. Unfortunately, all of the books I want are already checked out. So, I had to be added to a waiting list. Stupid, I know.

This little discovery of mine couldn't have come at a better time because I'm just a couple months away from summer, and this will be the first summer I've spent with my Kindle. We have big plans.
I wish I could marry my Kindle sometimes. We're so compatible.

On a completely seperate and probably unmentioned note, I may or may not have told you that I am completely and utterly addicted to the tv show Dance Moms. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I like dancing. Maybe I like catty women. Maybe I like DRAMA. I think that's it. Regardless, I don't want to give away what happened on last night's mid-season finale (whatever that means), but I do want to just say that Abby Lee is a jerk. Really, I knew this before, but last night really took things to a whole entirely new level. I was so disappointed in her conduct, and if I were her I would look back on how she handled herself and I would write formal letters of apology to every child I ever came in contact with. And their mothers. And their great aunts.
I don't think that one should be allowed to teach children unless they have put aside all of their immature qualities first. Abby most definately hasn't.

And don't even ask me about Dance Moms Miami. I don't even know what went on that whole show. There were a lot of accents and bad haircuts and it completely lost me about halfway through.

ANYWHOOOO. Thank you to Catherine, the only one who ever comments on my blogs aside from my mom. It's nice to know some one is out there who actually cares about what I have to say!

Have a great day! :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mr. Mittens

I refuse to apologize for my absense. No, I will not do it.

I have 6 classes and aproximately 9 years of homework every night. You do the math.

I have no time for frivolities like reading, especially the last two weeks because my teachers really like to lay things on thick before spring break. I feel like most teachers become teachers so they can torture children and make them want to cry.

So what have I been up to, if I haven't been reading?
Well. I've been dissecting cats.


That's right. I dissect cats now. Or a cat. A black cat that my lab partners named Mr. Mittens. (I had no hand in this, I think naming things you are going to cut up and study is sadistic and weird.) Non-the-less, until the end of this quarter, AKA the end of Junior year, I will be dissecting this cat. I have already participated in the removal of the cat's skin and fur. And while the saying may go, "There is more than one way to skin a cat", as far as my teacher is concerned, there is just one way. His way. And I can't imagine why that saying came to be. Was it invented by frustrated anatomy students, fed up with their proffessors micromanaging their every move in the science lab? Did they finally lose their cool and shake their fist at the oh-so-mighty teacher? This is what I like to think.

I may sound completely unfazed by the fact that I am butchering an animal that many people consider a member of their family, but this is untrue. In fact, the first two days I came in contact with my 'cat' (it's more of a mountain lion, and roughly the size of a large german shepard), I cried like a baby. In fact, I cried as if I were dissecting my own cat.
The only thing that helped me to cope was a short story. A short story I wrote. It's all about a cat...named Mr. Mittens. He was born in a filthy ally in the rough streets of LA. His mother was a Kitty prostetute. His father was a cat burgeler. He grew up to become a hardened criminal, and he murdered a family of 7 squirrels in cold blood. He was eventually given the lethal injection and his body was donated to science. I know, silly. But it makes me feel less bad about what I'm doing.

I think that's enough for one day. Since it is now spring break, hopefully I'll be able to read and review again. I have a ton of homework however, so we shall see.

Have a great day!!