SO. Apart from reading, I have quite the thing for movies. Any movie. Mostly, sappy romantic so-girly-you-wanna-puke movies. Like Crazy starring Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones is one of those movies.
I should start by saying that the previews for this movie started playing around October or November. The first time I saw the preview for the movie, it made me cry. So you'd think that by the second or third time, I'd be fine. I would handle it. BUT NO. NOT ME. It made me cry EVERY TIME. And not just tear up, dab the tears away before everyone can see. I mean like full blown cry like my cat just died.
I don't know why.
I'm a girl.
So, last night I rented the movie from Redbox, genuinely expecting the worst. If the preview made me cry that hard, the real thing would surely kill me.
I was right.
I have never cried like that over a movie. Not when Mufasa died, not when Rose let go, and not even when Andy gave his toys to that little girl. This was on a whole new level. I thought I was going to die from dehydration. These also weren't the silent and graceful type tears, mind you. They were the whole face scrunched up, sucking air, asking WHYYYYYYY over and over.
I don't even think the movie was that sad, to be honest. I don't know what it was about this movie that touched me so completely. It was so genuine and real. There were no happily ever afters, only reality. It was so real. I think maybe that's why it upset me, because it was just like watching real life.
Anyway. Be forewarned that the ending is one of those endings that after the credits start rolling, you rewind to make sure you didn't miss something. It was a little weird, but like I said it was very realistic.
I WOULD GIVE THIS MOVIE 5,000,999,554,333,234,543,673,675,000/5 stars. AMAZING.
On the book front, I'm about halfway through When I Found You. So far, so good! It's really touching, and I'm excited to see how it ends.
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