Thursday, March 8, 2012

Don't Shoot!

I am becoming slightly amazed at my ability to read entire books so quickly. I've always been a quick reader but it seems like since I got my Kindle, reading is far too accessible. I download up to 2 books per day and I read them immediately! But it's a nice break. :)

Last night after my post I started Reading Don't Shoot! I'm Just the Avon Lady! by Birdie Jaworski. It's another autobiography type book that follows an animated and funny Avon representitive who lives in SoCal with her two young sons.

All in all, it was very comedic and touching. Birdie was raped in college and became pregnant with a daughter she was too poor and emotionally scarred to raise. The story begins with Birdie recieving a call that her daughter wants to know a little bit about her. Birdie is understandably afraid of the questions the young woman may ask, but she agrees to the meeting. The whole book comes back to this daughter she never knew, and her fear of meeting her.

 What I find interesting about this book is that people will divulge the strangest information, even with their Avon lady. Birdie meets the most amazing and interesting people in her life, all of which have stories that she can tie back to her past in some way.

It sometimes got a little 'dreamy' and wordy, going off on strange tangents and such. But I found that sometimes this was pretty nice. It was like the author literally just let her fingers do the writing, without thinking about things too hard. Sometimes, however, it was a little annoying.

I would give the book 4.5/5 stars. :)

Now I'm moving on to either another Distopian novel or a book by Catherine Ryan Hyde (Pay It Forward) called When I found You. I guess I'll start one of those tomorrow depending on my mood.

My mind is filled with other people's stories and words, and I'm loving it. :) I want to just talk to someone about all of the amazing things I've read lately, and how I carry each and every character with me everywhere I go, and relate every little seemingly insignificant detail of my life to them. It's glorious. It's hard to get lonely when you have so many friends.

That got creepy for a second there, but it's true. :)

I hope you all are having a great night, talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a book I need to read in the summer when I have a chance.
