Monday, December 11, 2023

Well, Hot Damn

 It's not every day your cat runs across your keyboard and suddenly you're looking at a blog you completely forgot existed for 10+ years.

I don't know that I ever would have found my way back here without some sort of cosmic cat interference, but I'm iooooooooooooooooooowe

Sorry, cat ran across the keyboard again. I'm HAPPY to be back. Let's get some life updates going, shall we?

First, I did not major in English and, as a matter of fact, I'm still pursuing a degree. YES REALLY. I changed course a few times, took several years off in general, and now...well...I'm getting ready to apply to nursing school this upcoming year. When I was scrolling through my posts about dissecting the cat my Junior year of high school I was cackling like a mad witch. Life really comes full circle, doesn't it? Especially in regards to those pesky, type A anatomy professors who really want to make you ride the struggle bus downhill in a snowstorm. So crazy.

Something that hasn't really changed is my love of reading, though I've slowed down immensely since the days I had wildly unbelievable amounts of free time due to unemployment and general kid-less-ness. I will have read 80ish books by the end of this year, and this is the second year I've been fully back into reading. I have never fully stopped losing myself in a good book, but there were a couple unfortunate years after the birth of my first son that I did not read as much as I would have liked.

Oh, yeah, I have sons! Two of them! And what's crazier? I had them with the boy I went to homecoming and prom with and who was picking me up to go see all those scary movies way back in my posts. I may have been wishy-washy on my career path but GOD I knew I would be marrying that man back when I was covered in cystic acne and cotton candy scented body spray.

I won't let my cat's hard work go to waste. I will be updating this blog periodically, if only for myself. I can't say that it will be often or even consistent because if I've learned anything about myself from scrolling through 3 years of my teen angst is that I've never been good about holding myself accountable.

Here's a pic of little Galaxy to satisfy the cat tax

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