I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo (a totally lame way of saying Nationaly Novel Writing Month) and so I'm not going to have time to read much more than my novel over and over. I'm 8,770 words in and my goal is 50,000 by the end of the month. I'm pretty far ahead, given my word goal per day is only a little over 1,600 and right now I'm averaging about 2,923 per day. So I've had time to go back and revise and edit a little bit.
I must say, I'm on to something. I'm going to use Winter Break in December to do the rest of my heavy editing and then I'm thinking about publishing it through Amazon.
My boyfriend has helped a lot, and I have to give him credit for a lot of the most complicated concepts that are involved, but the basic plot and characters were my idea. I'm going to post the prologue here, but I want to keep the rest of the book under wraps until I get it perfected.
We mill about, shoulder to shoulder. There is nowhere we can
go to be alone, because there are so many of us. The grocery store your grandma
frequents so often? Yeah. We’re packed in there like sardines. The park you
used to love as a child? We love it there too. Football stadiums, ballet
studios, gas stations. We are everywhere. We stand where you stand and
sometimes you sit where we stand. You don’t even realize we’re there. We
whisper to each other, and sometimes to you.
You don’t hear us…usually. Sometimes, we get you when you’re vulnerable.
When you’re almost asleep or when you’re really relaxed. We say things to you
like, “Hey, how goes it?” and sometimes when we’re feeling rambunctious we are
able to manipulate energy. It’s really fast, like a fissure in the space time
continuum that’s able to repair itself before you even notice. And sometimes
you get lucky and capture these “phenomenon” on camera and blame it on your
recently deceased grandma or as a sign from angry spirits. You’re partially
right, but honestly, we don’t care if we were once related to you. We’ve been
watching you for so long, we feel like we know you. And we love you. Sometimes,
we just want to say Hi. And we’re really not picky. We’ll talk to anyone who
will listen. And as far as the angry spirit thing goes, no. That’s not how it
works. We can only talk to you when we’re elated. Feeling the highest level of
happiness there ever was. Strong emotions like love help too. So, when you see
us, you should feel grateful. Because it means we love you. All the good things
that happen in your life happen because of us.
But somehow, you don’t get that. And you run away screaming.
I considered giving you a plot summary, but I think I want that to be a surprise too. :) There won't be anymore book reviews for November, as my number one goal is finishing this book, but I'll check back and let you guys in on my progress as often as I'm able!
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