My, my, my.
It's been over a month, hasn't it?
I apologize for my absence. But it's SUMMER TIME. And as much as I love writing these blogs, it's hard to tempt myself into dedicating even a few minutes to writing. At all.
But here I am!
I'm not dead.
I'm here.
I have done some reading. Obviously. I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer which was one of the best books I've read in awhile. It had a slow start but once you get into it, it's fantastic. I read A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving that was also very good. It was VERY long, but still very good. I've read a few random books here and there that I don't have much of an opinion about. And, just now, I finished My Name is Mina by David Almond which was really really good. I love books like was very dreamy and beautiful. But still very simple, if that makes any sense.
Next on my to-read list is The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness which I have heard amazing things about so I'm very excited about starting that.
Other than that, what's new? With me? Not much. I did get a new phone. It's a Nokia Lumia 710 and it's white and I named it Mina (after the book, obviously) and I love it. The end.
I'll try to write more, more often. :) Sorry it's been so long!
I hope you all are well!
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