So remember a few weeks ago I reviewed Michelle Madow's Remembrance? Well, Michelle was kind enough to email me a PDF version of the second book in the Transcend Time Saga, Vengence.
So remember how much I hated the character of Lizzie? How I described her as a boyfriend stealing brat? Well, this book is thankfully NOT from her point of view.
What I discovered is Michelle Madow is actually a fantastic writer. While in Remembrance I was often annoyed, In Vengence, I was absolutely not. I think I was more frustrated with the character of Lizzie than the actual style of the book.
Let me just say...I like Chelsea MUCH better. Now, so you can keep up, Chelsea is...WAS... Lizzie's best friend. Put 2 and 2 together yet? That's right. Chelsea is the friend Lizzie stole Drew from.
Vengence is written from Chelsea's perspective and I like how Michelle completely changed the way she wrote this book from self-centered-brat to angry-betrayed-friend. It is very telling of how good an author is if they can do this. Think of how in Breaking Dawn Stephanie Meyer was able to change the feelings you got from Bella's perspective and Jacob's perspective of the same event. It's not easy. As a writer, I can attest to this.
ANYWAY I'm getting off track.
Chelsea finds a way to turn things back in her favor. Let's just say there's a sort of spell involved and then it ends in a crazy cliff hanger. It was one of those things where you read the last line and then you are torn between wanting to punch the author in the face, or hug them. I am so JAZZED to read the third and final installment in the series...when it comes out. I will have to wait. Patiently. Patience is not my thing.
I would give this book 5/5 stars.
I'm assuming the third book will, once again, revolve around Lizzie. But it will be more tolerable. I know this is bad, but I tend to root for the 'bad guy'. And I will continue to hope that Chelsea gets Drew.
Sorry, but it's the truth.
HAPPY READING EVERYONE! Please support Michelle if this book sounds like something you're interested in. Don't forget that you can buy both Remembrance and Vengence for $0.99 on the Kindle until Michelle's US tour ends.
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